Pedro Fernández de Quirós prepared a series of fourteen Presentation Memorials between 1607 and 1614, addressed to King Philip III of Spain. These documents represented the earliest printed records of the discovery and plans for the settlement of a Southern Continent, which Quirós named “Austrialia del Espíritu Santo.” The Memorials aimed to gain royal support for colonization by highlighting the commercial, nationalistic, and religious benefits of such an expedition. Although fifty Memorials were prepared, only fourteen were printed for limited distribution at Quirós’ own expense. The twelfth Memorial renews Quirós’ lobbying efforts after a year of silence, detailing his discoveries, proposals for settlement, required resources, and the strategic value of the new land. A note on a Mitchell Library copy indicates that the king responded by awarding Quirós financial support and recognition.
Three other copies of this document have been identified: one at the Biblioteca de Palacio Real (Madrid), one at Huntington Library (San Marino, California), and one acquired from Maggs Bros. catalogue.